**UPDATE** So… here’s the plan…
1) If you have prepared a statement to read during public comments, we urge you to send them ahead of time. You can send them to these 3 addresses: clevelandheightscouncil@clevelandheights.gov, ABalester@clevelandheights.gov & mayor@clevelandheights.gov, and if you want to, you can copy us on the email at info@coventrypeacecampus.org.
2) We don’t want this meeting to go too long. Council cannot vote on this matter until AFTER public comments, so if we speak for too long, the vote will not happen until late. That risks losing the attention of the public who may be watching the live stream or video, and makes it a really long day for the Council Members who are doing what they can to be helpful. SO… that’s why we want you to send your statements via email ahead of time - it will give them the encouragement they need heading into the meeting, and will respect everyone’s time at the actual meeting.
3) If you feel strongly about wanting to make your statement out loud during the public comments portion, by all means you should speak. If you think the people that spoke before you already covered what you were going to say, then just go to the podium and say that everyone has already spoken to the important issues you were going to speak to, quickly say thank you to council and then return to your seat without using up a lot of time - short and sweet is the key.
4) FILL THE ROOM!!! FILL THE ROOM!!! FILL THE ROOM!!! We don’t have to take up a lot of time by speaking to council - but we should do what we can to fill the room - that will actually speak volumes!!!
Join us in thanking City Council members for their support and commending them for publicly expressing it. Councilman Petras and Councilman Cobb are co-sponsoring a resolution of support, which will be voted on during the Council meeting on Monday, September 16, at 7:30 pm at City of Cleveland Heights, - City Hall. While this public statement of support cannot force the Library Board to act and respects their autonomy in decision-making, it sends a clear message that Cleveland Heights' elected representatives stand with the residents who have voiced their desire to preserve this important community pillar.
We hope to see you Monday night (09/16) at 7:30 pm at Cleveland Heights City Hall – 40 Severance Circle, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118.
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