Library Motion.

Below is the text from the Motion the Library voted on when they chose not to convert the current lease agreement with CPC to the first 9 year term of the agreed upon long-term lease. You can download a copy of the PDF they provided us here, or you can listen to the audio we recorded in the box below.
WHEREAS; the nonprofit corporation Coventry PEACE, Inc., (“CPC”) is the Tenant at the building at 2843 Washington Boulevard, commonly known the Coventry School Building (the “Building”), pursuant to a Lease Agreement (the “Lease”) with the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library (“Library”), the Building owner, as Landlord; and
WHEREAS; the Lease Section 2 provided for an Original Term of a period of fifteen (15) months, commencing on October 1, 2020, and continuing through December 31, 2021; and
WHEREAS; the Lease Section 3 also provided CPC with a contingent option to renew the Lease for a nine (9) year Option Term, provided that CPC both (1) is not in default in the payment of Rent or of any other material provision of the Lease and (2) has satisfied certain conditions to the Library’s reasonable satisfaction, more fully set forth in Section 3(a), (b), and (c) on Page 2 of the Lease, related to CPC’s corporate governance and good standing as a tax-exempt organization, and the financial stability of CPC as an organization and its plans for maintenance and operations of the Building as a whole; and
WHEREAS; the Lease provides that if the Option is not timely exercised, CPC becomes a month-to-month holdover tenant beginning on January 1, 2022, subject to the same terms and conditions of the Lease except that monthly Base Rent in effect shall be increased by 25%;
WHEREAS, the Library has reviewed and considered CPC submissions with respect to the Lease conditions for the past several weeks in support of its request to exercise its Option; and
WHEREAS; while discussions between the Library and CPC have continued, CPC’s period to satisfy the conditions to exercise its option to renew the Lease for the Option Term has passed;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that CPC has failed to satisfy the necessary Lease conditions to exercise its Option to the Library’s reasonable satisfaction;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that CPC shall therefore not be permitted to renew the Lease for the Option Term;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Library Board of Trustees authorizes the director and fiscal officer to advertise for the services of a property management firm to assist the Library in its operation of the building;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Library Board of Trustees directs the director and fiscal officer to meet with the existing nonprofit tenants that occupy the building in January 2022, whether virtual or in-person, to discuss the future of the building and options for viable use of the property.
Library Vote Audio
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What is Coventry PEACE Campus?
When the school district sought to divest itself from the former Coventry Elementary School building in 2017, leaving its future uncertain, the leaders of all the tenant organizations and a broad base of community supporters came together in a grassroots movement to propose ways to preserve and grow the thriving culture and service ecosystem that had organically taken root there. From this effort, the Coventry PEACE Campus came into being. Coventry P.E.A.C.E., Inc. is the non-profit overseeing the maintenance, sustainability, renovation and development of the Coventry PEACE Building, which houses several local nonprofits. It is our goal to provide an accessible, sustainable, more efficient, and affordable home for these nonprofits, and to attract new organizations to the building.