More info & email links.

How you can help…

If you have ever had some connection to any of our member organizations or events, we really need you to inform the leadership at the CH-UH Library and City Hall that you are concerned about our welfare. They have heard directly from those of us who work for these organizations or serve on their boards over and over again, but you are the ones they simply cannot ignore. Help us “Keep The P.E.A.C.E.”.

The organizations of Coventry PEACE are open-minded and willing partners in working with key stakeholders to create a solution to establish a permanent home for an arts, culture and education center. We are certain that through these collective efforts there is a solution that will be acceptable to all, especially the thousands of community members we all serve each year. But we are down to weeks, not months. There are amazing opportunities when organizations like ours have a public institution as a strong partner—opportunities that ultimately cost the City little or nothing.

There are a number of ways you can currently help us in our effort to establish a permanent Arts, Culture and Education Center…

Complete our landlord’s survey

The Library (building owner) is currently conducting a survey to collect feedback from the community on the fate of our building. Several of the question only offer bad options for answers and there is very little opportunity to show support of what already exists in the building – the Coventry P.E.A.C.E. project.

We would encourage you to check the boxes for “OTHER” and use the text fields to state the building should not be demolished and Coventry P.E.A.C.E. should be given a long-term lease and the ability to manage the building and finance its improvements.

List of supporters

If you believe in the Coventry PEACE Campus Project, and the organizations we support, please add your name to our supporters list. By sharing with our community the names of those who want to see this project carried forward, you can inspire others to join us, too.

Sign up for emails

Be sure you are receiving our latest news and event listings.


We are in the process of forming 2-3 new volunteer advisory committees and looking for people with skill sets in creative placemaking, economic development, commercial real estate, capital campaigns, accounting and PR/communications. If you are intersted in learning more and volunteering for one of thse groups, please click on the button below to email us.

Watch and share the videos below.

Stay up-to-date on the latest Coventry PEACE Campus news and events – sign up to receive emails or follow us on social media.

Emails & Newsletters

Occassionally we send out updates, event information and newsletters via email. Click on the link below to sign up to receive information via email.

Social Media.

Coventry PEACE Campus can be found on several social media platforms. Click on the button below to find us online and be sure to like/follow us! 

What is Coventry PEACE Campus?

When the school district sought to divest itself from the former Coventry Elementary School building in 2017, leaving its future uncertain, the leaders of all the tenant organizations and a broad base of community supporters came together in a grassroots movement to propose ways to preserve and grow the thriving culture and service ecosystem that had organically taken root there. From this effort, the Coventry PEACE Campus came into being. Coventry P.E.A.C.E., Inc. is the non-profit overseeing the maintenance, sustainability, renovation and development of the Coventry PEACE Building, which houses several local nonprofits. It is our goal to provide an accessible, sustainable, more efficient, and affordable home for these nonprofits, and to attract new organizations to the building.